Learning Center

  • The Importance of Foot Care for Seniors

    You may already have a thorough personal care routine for the senior loved one in your life – but does it include foot care? As we [...]

  • 5 Ways to Make Memories with a Senior Loved One

    Human connections do more than make life fun – they actually keep us healthy. Spending quality time with an older loved one and encouraging children to [...]

  • How to Talk to Seniors with Alzheimer’s and Dementia

    With more than 5.8 million seniors living with Alzheimer’s disease, virtually all of our lives will be touched in some way by memory issues.   While scientists [...]

  • 4 Tips for Managing Diabetes in Older Adults

    According to the ADA, one in four Americans aged 65 and older are diabetic. While type 2 diabetes can be managed through medications and lifestyle changes, [...]

  • The Best Exercises for Seniors

    As we get older, taking time for movement becomes more important than ever. The CDC recommends 150 hours a week of moderate activity for healthy aging, [...]

  • 5 Tips for Keeping Seniors Social

    The connections we have with others are incredibly important. As seniors get older, loneliness and isolation can threaten their health just as much as physical illnesses.  [...]

  • How to Make Living at Home Safer for Seniors

    More than ever before, older Americans are expressing a desire to “age in place.” Over 90% of senior adults report that they prefer their homes to [...]

  • Know the Warning Signs of Elder Abuse

    Caring for an aging loved one is a tremendous responsibility. For most people, this responsibility isn’t one they can shoulder alone. When you leave your senior [...]

  • 1 in 4 Senior Adults Fall Each Year

    Falling is one of the biggest fears that seniors who live at home face on a daily basis. Their concern is justified – falls pose a [...]