How To Pay For Services


Hope Nursing Home Care

CustomCARE as a part of the CBHomecare Family of Providers and accepts reimbursement from Medical Assistance programs, certain contracted Managed Care Insurance Payors, Waivers, LTSS programs, Long-Term Care Insurance,, and Private Pay.

When you call to make a referral, our intake team will explore with you the best way to obtain reimbursement for services. Every person and situation are unique and sometimes complex, but we make the process of obtaining care simple.

Our dedicated intake team can be reached on 952-914-0269 to discuss the various payment options available to you. They can help you understand what is necessary to receive authorization for services as well as review all services that you may be eligible for. Our seasoned team of intake experts will help you understand how we can best serve your needs and ensure that you receive the care you deserve.

How Do I Pay for Services?

CustomCARE provides client support for the following programs and waivers:

  • Waiver
    • CAC – The Community Alternative Care
    • CADI – Community Assistance for Disability Inclusion
    • BI – Brain Injury
    • DD -Developmental Disabilities
    • AC = Alternative Care
    • EW = Elderly Waiver
  • CDCS – Consumer Directed Community Supports
  • Consumer Support Grant
  • Straight MA

CustomCARE accepts and participate in a variety of insurance with the following payors:

  • MA= Medical Assistance (through Minnesota Health Care Programs)
  • HealthPartners
  • Medica
  • UCare
  • PrimeWest Health
  • South Country Health Alliance
  • Private/Self Pay
  • LTC Insurance

We want you to be able to access our services in a simple and easy manner. Please consult with our financial advisor to confirm which plan is right for you.